Pandemics & Digital Transformation: The Time Is Now!

time is now

The magnitude of unfamiliarity and instability the world is facing today is mirroring its immense shadow on all countries across the globe, not only on the individual and collective health levels but also in modern-day businesses fighting for survival. With a pandemic that has thrown us into an unknown world and an economy that is collapsing further by the minute, it is time for smart survival measures. 
According to the ERP industry, now is the most crucial time for a digital transformation, and here’s why.

The Situation Before COVID-19

Before Covid-19, companies were racing each other towards being the best in the market, tackling goals, and competing to be the most modern, the most innovative, and the best in its industry. The shift to a digital world was already taking place, which led to a growth in demand for digital solutions. Furthermore, in most industries, digital transformation was already breaking its way through business workflows before the appearance of the pandemic, with the sprout of digital tailored solutions in the local and international markets. However, a generous number of businesses remain in the offline and manual zone of things, a section which is the one currently affected by the spread of the virus and the collapse of the global economy.

The Situation During COVID-19

Today, the pandemic has presented itself as a margin for most enterprises, presenting two possible outcomes as a result. The first scenario presents itself as an enterprise deploying outdated measures that rely on human interaction and manual processes, with a high possibility of eventually getting burnt out and expiring. The other scenario presents a company deploying the right measures and fighting for its survival, to eventually surpass the crisis and overcome it through measures to shift towards smart and modern tools that unleash new capabilities. 
Learning to embrace the change and adjust to it is imperative in ways where companies should rework their strategy serving their operations in the long run, through digital solutions that, not only furnish sustainability, but ones offering enough strength to maintain the weight of unfortunate circumstances.

Benefits of a Digital Transformation

Companies today, more than ever, need to rethink and rework their strategy serving them in the long run, through digital solutions that not only furnish sustainability but also offer enough strength to maintain the weight of the unfortunate circumstances happening in the world. 

Those companies must have better or more consistent access to networks and servers by deploying systems that match their working requirements from the safety of their homes, adhere to tools to support virtual collaboration and communication, and cut costs on manual processes by automating operations. Obtaining full analytics and visibility on workflows also serves in saving time and improving efficiency towards forecasting future actions, in addition to countless Digital Transformation benefits, to mention a few: 

    •    Greater Resource Management

    •    Employee Empowerment

    •    Greater Customer Experience

    •    Opening the Door to Globalization

    •    Easier Collaboration Across Departments

    •    Increased Agility and Innovation

    •    Introducing a New Level of transparency


The present time requires businesses to accept the digital transformation and take a step forward towards transforming operating systems into solutions that provide wider business opportunities, through helping employees be more effective, preserve security as a top priority, strengthen business partnerships and make faster decisions. The undeniable power of a Digital Transformation is the fact that it provides a valuable opportunity for core business functions, such as finance and HR, to move away from manual processes and automate key areas like payroll, enabling leaders to focus on wider business opportunities.





The circumstances of today have established new standards that developed indirectly due to the global situation, generating new demands and digital expectations that every company should adhere to, during and after the pandemic. It is mandatory to implement a Digital Transformation and move forward towards cloud-based workflows that will help get through obstacles that may come in the way of every business operation, therefore guarantee a brighter future for every company. Digitize your processes now before it’s too late!

Sounds like something your business needs? Our experts can put you on the right track! 

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